Month: April 2015

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  • Kimberleigh Smith speaks at Blueprint to End AIDS announcement

    How we’re going to end AIDS in New York

    Today we are making history. It’s the beginning of the end of the HIV epidemic as we know it in New York State. Governor Cuomo endorsed a Blueprint to End AIDS, which lays out 30 recommendations that must be implemented to decrease new HIV infections to fewer than 750 by 2020 and move HIV past what…


  • At-Risk LGBTQ youth have a message to share at the divisive ATLAH sign

    This story was also covered by The Huffington Post “The homo demons have metastasized in Harlem restaurants possibly transmit sexual disease” “Many of these homos moving into Harlem looking for Black meat” A group of young adults, who are part of Harlem United’s HOME group for LGBT young adults of color, were out and about in…


  • Hilda Meza uses art to heal

    Hilda Meza joined Harlem United in 2006, when our El Faro Health Center opened, and has been our east side art therapist ever since. Hilda is an avid a painter herself—she makes time to paint everyday—and knows the important role art plays in helping us connect to our emotional experiences. “For the clients, art becomes the…


  • Youth HIV/AIDS Awareness Day

    We’re joined by Krupa Hart, one of Harlem United’s testing program coordinators, to talk about Youth HIV/AIDS Awareness Day. [powerpress] Next steps Read more about the stats we mentioned in this episode Learn more about our HOME program Support our work by making a tax-deductible donation securely online Get tested for HIV Learn how to prevent…


  • After building a better life for herself in Harlem, this Côte d’Ivoire native is helping others build their own

    [lead]Aicha Doumbia moved to NYC from Côte d’Ivoire when she was only 26 years old, in search of a better life.[/lead] Shortly thereafter, she opened a restaurant on 128th St. specializing in West African cuisine. She started at Harlem United 15 years ago as a volunteer, at the urging of a friend, who told her…


The front of a black tote bag with an orange Harlem United logo next to the back of the tote bag, which reads "There's some magical s#*! going on in here. - Jade, long-time client and peer." Underneath the tote bag images, is text that reads "Donate $25 and claim your limited-edition Harlem United tote bag!"