Harlem United Celebrates Historic Expansion of Eligibility for Housing, Transportation, and Nutritional Support to All HIV-Positive Individuals in New York City!

“With today’s announcement, Governor Andrew Cuomo has enabled our state to take a giant leap towards ending the AIDS epidemic.”


For Immediate Release
June 23, 2016
Contact: Jason Cianciotto I 347-703-3865 I jcianciotto@harlemunited.org

New York, NY — Today, Governor Andrew M. Cuomo announced that all individuals in New York City will become eligible to receive housing, transportation, and nutritional support immediately upon diagnosis of HIV infection.

This means that, after this new rule goes into effect in 60 days, those diagnosed with HIV and living in New York City will be eligible for a monthly transportation and nutrition allowance, as well as a 30% income contribution cap towards rental costs. Under the previous rule, New York City residents needed to be diagnosed with advanced cases of AIDS before becoming eligible for such assistance.

“On behalf of the over 16,000 New Yorkers served by Harlem United, I want to thank Governor Andrew Cuomo for acknowledging in both word and deed that housing is health care,” said Jacquelyn Kilmer, CEO of Harlem United. “This is why — since 1991 — Harlem United has provided supportive housing to people living with HIV and AIDS.

“In fact, Harlem United now provides nearly 700 housing units, with the majority serving New Yorkers living with AIDS. With today’s announcement, Governor Andrew Cuomo has enabled our state to take a giant leap towards ending the AIDS epidemic. Harlem United looks forward to continuing our work with New York City and State to expand the availability of safe, supportive, and affordable housing.”


Founded in 1988, Harlem United is a nationally recognized human services organization that provides full access to integrated health care and social services for individuals experiencing multiple and complex issues, including HIV and AIDS, social stigma, mental illness, chronic substance and alcohol use, homelessness, and extreme poverty — regardless of race/ethnicity, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, or gender identity and expression. www.harlemunited.org

The front of a black tote bag with an orange Harlem United logo next to the back of the tote bag, which reads "There's some magical s#*! going on in here. - Jade, long-time client and peer." Underneath the tote bag images, is text that reads "Donate $25 and claim your limited-edition Harlem United tote bag!"